
Downloadable Content DLC was first normalised by the company CaveDog for their game Total Annihilation in 1997 because the company started releasing new content every month. it was only later that the console manufacturers Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and Sega at the time started to support DLC. DLC has caused developers and published to haveContinue reading “Commerce”


Platforms The article talks about about Sony’s influence on cross platform play and their stance on cross platform game play with Microsoft and Nintendo. Sony claims that they don’t want to have cross platform play because they don’t have control over external influences that children would see, making it unfriendly to children. But thenContinue reading “Technology”

Culture In Video Games

Esports/Streaming by Josh Chapman Esports are a booming industry as the view numbers for each of these games continue to rise, with 43 million people watching the Worlds finale of League of legends back in 2016, this is 12 million more viewers than the NBA finals in the same year. Esports and streaming transformContinue reading “Culture In Video Games”

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